I used to be long sighted with a stigmatism before I came to Dr Gatry through a recommendation of a friend and found that his team of professional staff were brilliant and very supportive.
When having the surgery I was very nervous going in for the operation. I went through the first half of the surgery on the Friday and was recommended to come back on the Monday for the second half. Having a break was just what I needed! The second time I came I felt more relaxed knowing where I was going, what the room looked like, how many people in the room and what if felt like to have the clamps on my eyes. I took some relaxing tablets which were amazing just before I went in for the second part of my surgery. This was just what I needed! It is very important to be relaxed when having the surgery to get the best results.
In the next couple of days after the surgery I put lots eye drops in. The more I looked after my eyes, straight after the surgery the faster and better my eyes healed. I have now got 20 20 vision. Thank you all for the amazing job and care you have given me. I would recommend to all of my friends. Thank you!