I cannot fault the care , attention & service that I have received from The Wimpole Eye Clinic & Professor David Gartry .

My experience of diagnosis & subsequent lens replacement in both eyes , due to cataracts , has been life transforming .

It was so important to receive all the personal attention , & written explanations of my conditions & exactly what would happen at every stage . This  gives great confidence & peace of mind to  the patient!

I found every member of the Wimpole Eye clinic team to be very well informed, exemplary in the role they played .

At every stage I was given information , I was treated very kindly , but also the professionalism was very noticeable.

Professor Gartry himself seems to allow time for every patient to spend the right amount of time with him personally  too. A very skilled team & I would recommend  them to any of my contemporaries!

Sue Tweddell