“Four weeks after my surgery I am still finding each new day a revelation. No longer able to tolerate contact lenses, I had been wearing varifocal/complex lens spectacles. Not having to reach for them every morning is a novelty in itself.

I was already fairly committed to the idea of having this surgery and having met Professor Gartry I knew that I wanted him to carry it out. I found him professional and approachable and appreciated the fact that he was realistic about the results he could achieve. From my very poor prescription (around -11 with astigmatism in both eyes and with an incipient cataract in one) he confirmed what I had expected – that while he could greatly reduce my dependence on glasses I would not obtain perfection. Neither Mr  Gartry nor any member of his excellent team made any attempt to persuade me into a decision. At this clinic you are simply sent on your way with all the information you need and left to think about it. Nevertheless I left the consultation determined to come back for the surgery as soon as possible.

I was a little nervous about the procedures but I felt throughout that my eyes were in safe hands. Mr Gartry’s calm competence reassured me and I liked the fact that he explained at various stages what he was doing and how long it would take. The whole experience was totally painless and I experienced no discomfort afterwards.

Mr Gartry is justifiably proud of, and enthusiastic about, the technology he uses, although it seems obvious to me that his experience and his skill in the use of that technology are major factors in the wonderful results he achieves. What he has achieved for me has surpassed all my expectations. I now need glasses only for driving and am glasses-free for everything else including close work. My eyesight feels better than it was with glasses or contact lenses. I could not have hoped for a better result. I am recommending Professor Gartry to everyone I meet.”