My primary feeling when I was told that I needed cataract surgery was fear. The fear of my eyes being cut open and a new lens inserted. The fear of the pain I would have to endure. But my fears were groundless. Prof Gartry and his amazing team were kind, gentle and reassuring. Every detail was explained to me so that I had a complete understanding of every aspect of the procedure. I was wide awake the whole time and felt nothing at all. I heard the quiet calming tones of Prof Gartry as he went about his highly skilled work. The procedure took only about 20 minutes and I was given lunch before I left the hospital. The next day I removed the shield from my eye and had the wonder of perfect sight…something I had never experienced my whole life. I was so thrilled that I immediately booked an appointment for my other eye. Every moment of my interaction with Prof Gartry and his team was a pleasurable experience; they are consummate professionals who take pride in looking after their patients with skill, care, kindness and confidence. I cannot speak highly enough of every one of them. I can only say “thank you for bringing such a dramatic change to my life”