Worth every penny!

I suffered from astigmatism which was affecting my overall clarity and long distance vision. After doing a lot of research on the best Laser Eye surgery specialists, a close family friend of mine recommended Professor Gartry. After the consultation, Professor Gartry recommended that I would be a suitable candidate for the Lasik eye surgery procedure, however he at no point pushed me to take the procedure, in fact he mentioned countless times that it is was up to me to do the procedure and thoroughly explained all the potential side affects and risks. However I decided it was worth the minor risks and I had the procedure done in January 2022, and I am so glad I did.

Clarity wise it is night and day, it's like I have gone from looking at the world in standard definition to high definition, especially when it comes to reading, everything is so much clearer. I now have 20/20 vision, which is what I use to have when I wore glasses.

So if you suffer from astigmatism like I use to, look no further!