Some 20 years ago professor Gartry changed my life when he performed laser surgery to correct my severe short sightedness. Over the last 5 years or so I have been developing cataracts in both eyes. I decided to consult David Gartry again as my sight had deteriorated due to the cataracts so that I was only just able to drive lawfully. I had my first eye done in February this year and on David’s advice the lens was replaced with a multi focal one. David Gartry explained the complete procedure and answered all my questions. David came to see me just before the procedure which I found very reassuring. The staff at Moorfields were friendly, attentive and performed with great competence. I am a retired nurse and have a critical eye for these things. Following the procedure which was done in a calm and peaceful atmosphere I was able to go home with eye drops and carefully prepared written instructions. My other eye was done about a week or so later and another multi focal lens was fitted. Again the experience was first rate. I was able to drive after a couple of weeks and m my sight has now improved to almost 20/20 vision again. I don’t need glasses to read small print or to drive, which at the age of nearly 69 is very pleasing. My world is no longer grey. My life has been transformed. Thank you Professor Gartry and Moorfields Hospital..