I was quite badly short sighted and had been so since being a child and could not do anything without contact lenses or glasses. I originally had my surgery just before the 2020 lockdown. Prior to surgery the checks and tests that are run are very comprehesive and I felt that all my questions were answered by the Moorfields team. The surgery itself did NOT hurt but it is a rather strange sensation. To set expectatations I had expected a miracle "cure" and indeed it was but it did take my eyes a couple of days to settle and so my vision was a bit hit and miss. I thought that I would have this moment whereby everything would be completely clear immediately and for me that didn't happen although I didn't need to use lenses or glasses straight away!

I saw Prof. Gartry on the Monday following the procedure and it became clear that I was one of the 4% for whom it hadn't completely "worked". I was still very slightly myopic (-0.50 in my left and -0.25 in my right) in both eyes but technically I had 20/20 vision. I agreed that I would like to think about re-treatment after the 3 month settling period but unfortunately lockdown put paid to that.

I then saw Prof Gartry in January of this year and I still felt the same. Although I was no longer wearing glasses or lenses for most things I was wearing them to drive and to watch tv etc. I also haven't yet worked out how to hold back time so I knew that I would ultimately require reading glasses so in effect 2 different pairs or varifocals. I had one eye retreated in May of this year. I believe it was my dominant eye and this has provided me with superb distance vision in that eye albeit my close up isn't perfect. This was clearly explained to me that this would be the outcome. However, in my right eye I am still fractionally short sighted but my close up vision is better. When I use both eyes I am incredibly happy with my overall vision. I no longer wear glasses at all and I've just turned 55. I do accept that as I age I will need reading glasses but who doesn't?

All in all I am delighted that I undertook this procedure. I've worn glasses in some shape or other since I was 9 years old and prior to treatment would sleep with my glasses under my pillow in case I needed to get up in the night. I am now the only person in my house not wearing them!

I was also provided with a great deal fo comfort in that Prof. Gartry is a leading expert in this field and the surgery was carried out at Moorfieldsl the world's leading eye hospital. I would not have gone anywhere else.